Paranoiac - Dir. Jade Millray, 2023
Produced, Written and Directed by Jade Millray, DoP Andrius Kiaulekys, 1st AD Katie Johnson, Art Director Millie Pickburn-Perkins
A paranoid woman with PTSD attempts to investigate her mysterious stalker, but when she begins to misunderstand the smallest details, everything in her world soon falls apart.
Currently competing in festivals.
You're Out! Dir. Indira Townend, 2023
Produced and Directed by Indira Townend, DoP Heather Gaywood, Head of Marketing Jade Millray
A coming-of-age film about two students who are at odds as they compete for their baseball team’s captainship. Tensions rise and one boy’s delusions lead him to blur the lines more and more, until he does something he can never take back.

Currently competing in film festivals.
Struck - Dir. Rebecca McCooey, 2023
Produced and Directed by Rebecca McCooey, Co-produced and 1st AD Indira Townend, DoP's Heather Gaywood, Ateeb Malik, Sam Jones, Assistant Director on set Jade Millray
A young girl, seeks solace in art after her brother's death, becomes the target of a twisted mother.
Currently competing in festivals.
Folie à Deux - Dir. Bea Laurence, 2023
Produced, Written and Directed by Bethany Laurence, DoP's Ellen Fincher and Morgan Morris, 1st AD Jade Millray
A young woman faces the sentence of marriage and prison, at the same time.
Hard Rock - Dir. Sam Jones, 2023
Produced, Written and Directed by Sam Jones, Co-producer and 1st AD Indira Townend, DoP Heather Gaywood, Behind the Scenes Videographer and Photographer Jade Millray
When a crime lord's daughter gets kidnapped, two likely-lads come up with a plot that leads to treachery, blackmail and a grim ultimatum...
Currently competing in festivals.